Halloumi fries
- unit.g ingredient.halloumi
- unit.tbsp ingredient.greekyoghurt
- unit.none ingredient.lemon
- unit.tbsp ingredient.paprikapowder
- unit.g ingredient.flour
- unit.none ingredient.sesameseeds
- unit.none ingredient.sunfloweroil
- unit.none ingredient.honey
- unit.none ingredient.garlicpowder
- unit.none ingredient.salt
- unit.none ingredient.pepper
- 1Transfer the greek yoghurt into a bowl
- 2Grate the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze out its juice
- 3Add the lemon juice, some salt, pepper and garlic powder to the greek yoghurt
- 4Mix the flour and paprika powder in a bowl
- 5Cut the halloumi into thick strips and roll it in the flour and paprika powder
- 6Pour some oil into a pan. It should be 1cm (0.5in) deep. Heat the oil on medium heat and then fry the halloumi for about 5 minutes, until it's golden brown on all sides
- 7Transfer the halloumi onto some paper towels to remove some excess oil, then garnish it with a little bit of honey and sesame seeds
- 8Enjoy!