Teriyaki-Chili Noodles

Preparation Time20min
  • unit.g Chili Noodles
  • unit.g Portobello or Champignon Mushrooms
  • unit.pc ingredient.onion
  • unit.g ingredient.tofu
  • unit.tbsp ingredient.teriyakisauce
  • unit.none ingredient.salt
  • unit.none ingredient.pepper
  • unit.none ingredient.sunfloweroil
  1. 1
    Slice the mushrooms and cut the onions into fine strips. Slice the tofu very thinly so it can get a bit crispy during frying
  2. 2
    Heat a pan to high heat with some oil and fry the tofu for about 2 minutes on each side, until it starts to get golden brown
  3. 3
    Reduce the heat and add the onions and mushrooms. Fry everything for 3 minutes
  4. 4
    Add the Teriyaki sauce to the pan and cook the mushrooms, onions and tofu for an additional 5 minutes, making sure to stir them from time to time
  5. 5
    In the mean time, cook the chili noodles according to the instructions on the packaging
  6. 6
    Mix the cooked noodles into the pan and let them cook for 1-2 additional minutes so they can absorb some of the sauce
  7. 7
    Serve the noodles in a bowl and optionally garnish with some sesame