Tacos with vegetables and tofu

Preparation Time35min
  • unit.none ingredient.tacoshell
  • unit.g ingredient.tofu
  • unit.none ingredient.zucchini
  • unit.none ingredient.onion
  • unit.none ingredient.bellpepper
  • unit.none ingredient.lime
  • unit.none ingredient.avocado
  • unit.tbsp ingredient.oliveoil
  • unit.tbsp ingredient.soysauce
  • unit.tbsp ingredient.agavasyrup
  • unit.none ingredient.salt
  • unit.none ingredient.pepper
  • unit.none ingredient.paprikapowder
  • unit.none ingredient.garlicpowder
  1. 1
    Pre-heat your oven to the temperature indicated on your taco shell's packaging
  2. 2
    For the tofu marinade, mix soy sauce, a little olive oil and agava syrup and season with garlic powder, paprika powder, salt and paprika powder.
  3. 3
    Cut the tofu into small cubes and mix them to the marinade. Put it aside for now
  4. 4
    Next, cut the bell bell pepper and the zucchini into thin strips and the onion into half rings
  5. 5
    Oil up a pan and fry the vegetables for 8-10 minutes on medium heat
  6. 6
    At the same time, fry the marinated tofu for 6-8 minutes, until it gets slightly crispy
  7. 7
    Squeeze the juice from the lime while the tofu and vegetables are frying
  8. 8
    Cut the avocado in half, and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Put it in a bowl with some garlic powder, salt, pepper and the lime juice and mash it with a fork
  9. 9
    Follow the instructions on the package of your taco shells to prepare them
  10. 10
    Once the taco shells are ready, you can fill them with avocado cream, the vegetables and tofu
  11. 11