Chinese Noodles with Broccoli and Carrot

- unit.g Broccoli (fresh or frozen)
- unit.g ingredient.carrot
- unit.g Quick-cooking Chinese noodles
- unit.tbsp ingredient.sesameoil
- unit.tbsp ingredient.soysauce
- unit.tbsp ingredient.ricevinegar
- unit.tbsp ingredient.srirachasauce
- unit.tbsp ingredient.agavasyrup
- unit.none ingredient.salt
- unit.none ingredient.pepper
- unit.none ingredient.chiliflakes
- unit.none ingredient.paprikapowder
- unit.none ingredient.garlicpowder
- 1Cut the carrots into small strips and the broccoli into small florets. Heat the sesame oil in a pan and cook the carrots at high heat. If you use frozen broccoli, add it right away, otherwise wait 3-4 minutes before adding it to the carrot
- 2Season the carrots and broccoli with salt, garlic powder, chili flakes, and red pepper powder. Let the vegetables cook on high heat for abount 10 minutes
- 3Heat some salted water for the noodles
- 4Mix soj sauce, sriracha sauce, rice vinegar, agava syrup and a bit of pepper together to make a sauce
- 5Cook the noodles according to the instruction on the package. It shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes
- 6Mix everything in the pan or directly on the plate
- 7Enjoy!